
Finding His Passion – Volunteering

December 17, 2021

Image of Todd Smith smiling at the cameraTodd Smith was the first line of defense to fix wireless networks at Nokia. Now retired, he is the first line of defense to answer questions about the Aurora Area Interfaith Food Pantry (AAIFP) shelf-stable food box items.

“About three or four months into retirement I wanted to do something useful,” said Smith. “I wanted to stay in Aurora…and saw the mayor had a press conference with local food pantries stating they needed volunteers.” The opportunity presented itself, Smith joined the food pantry, and AAIFP has now become his passion.

“The inspiration and passion to volunteer came once I started here [AAIFP],” said Smith. Once he saw what the food pantry was doing and saw the good coming from it, he knew he was in the right place.

Todd moving shopping carts during distribution

Three days a week, Smith manages a team of people at AAIFP who package shelf-stable boxes and they distribute those boxes to our neighbors. “My motivation to continue to volunteer is watching the people who might not be able to put food on their tables, get what they need,” said Smith. “Our neighbors can maybe pay a bill now, instead of having to buy food.”

Weekly, the AAIFP gives approximately 88 lbs. worth of food per household. The money saved can be the determining factor of a family being able to keep a roof over their heads or pay other bills.

Smith has been helping at the pantry for over a year and a half. “Todd is one of those volunteers everyone wishes to have at their organization,” said Shannon Cameron, AAIFP Executive Director. “He does whatever is needed and always has a smile and a funny thing to say. He works incredibly hard, and we depend on him greatly. AAIFP wouldn’t be the same without him!”

A lot of Smith’s family and friends have come to realize that the AAIFP has become a passion for him and not just something he does. “I do not just go home at the end of the day thinking I got through another day,” said Smith. “At the end of the day I think about being here [AAIFP], the people here and the good we are doing.”

Thank you, Todd, for your continued support of Aurora Area Interfaith Food Pantry!

If you or your organization would like to become a volunteer, please visit aurorafoodpantry.org/new-volunteer/ or email, Marcy Robles.