In the Spotlight: June 2023

In the spotlight this month, meet Eddie!
Eddie is the Program Director at the Aurora Area Interfaith Food Pantry. He has worked at the pantry for more than 10 years!

Eddie also volunteers at the City of Aurora Emergency Management. Last month, Eddie was recognized by the Aurora Fire Department for his actions in assisting in a multi-vehicle accident. Firefighters with Engine 8 had to use the jaws of life to rescue people in their vehicles. The Assistant Chief of Operations said, “Eddie’s quick actions and assistance in a complex incident was critical in giving the patient every chance of survival. It brings us comfort that we have brave partners in public safety that are devoted to making a difference in our community.”

Every year Eddie also organizes a Volleyball for Food fundraiser, which raised more than $2000 this year! Hard to believe, but in his spare time, Eddie is a DJ!
Thank you, Eddie, for all you do for our community!