Hunger Action Month – Planting a Garden

August 25, 2022

Preparing a New Raised Garden Bed

  • Choose the material for your raised garden bed itself.  There are wood, plastic and galvanized metal options.  Be sure to choose the best option for you.
  • Once placed on the ground according to the directions below, you will need to layer in the organic materials.
    • Bottom layer -Cardboard- Be sure all labels and tape are removed
    • 2nd layer -Wood chips- organic not processed with coloring
    • 3rd layer -Plant waste- Ex. banana peels, leaves, etc.
    • 4th layer -Compost- If you do not have a compost bin, there are many great store-bought brands
    • 5th & Top layer -Organic Soil-
  • Be sure to layer as evenly as possible and level as you go.
  • Once you have plants in your raised garden bed, place a light layer of straw over the soil to help retain moisture, especially during hot months.
  • Water as needed.  It is best to water near the roots/soil, not over the top of the plant.


The Five Do Nots of Raised Bed Gardening

  1. Use the correct size bed – Make sure you can access all sides of the raised bed.  You will need to water, weed and harvest.
  2. Do not skip the planning stage – Map out where you will be placing your garden beds.  You do not want to get to the last bed you are placing and not have enough room.
  3. Choosing the wrong location for a raised garden bed – Be sure you are placing your raised garden bed in an area with the necessary sunshine or shade needed for what you are planting/growing.
  4. Not leaving enough space between raised garden beds – Accessing the beds will become difficult if there is not enough space between them.  Watering will become difficult.  Accessing with a wheelbarrow or gardening equipment will also be difficult.
  5. Do not use weed killer between the beds – Even between the beds in the walkway area, this can directly affect the plants within the raised bed.  Your hard work will be for not.